When working on your own car, you need to have the right type of equipment for your own convenience. If you’re missing necessary tools, fixing your car can be frustrating and even dangerous. ...
In the face of some rumors and disinformation on the internet about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, as a Chinese foreign trade enterprise, I need to explain to my customers here. The origin...
A large variety of torque wrenches are available with different options such as shapes, sizes and torque delivery mechanisms. Therefore, before selecting a torque wrench, it is necessary to underst...
This is every tool you’ll need to be ready for your first day as a beginner mechanic in an auto repair shop.On day one, you don’t need fancy tools. Leave that expensive Snap-On gun for later. Just...
Using the Cooling System Test Kit
Cautionary Note: Do not attempt to remove a radiator cap on a hot vehicle. To avoid personal injury, always allow the vehicle to cool down sufficiently.
In general...